Store > Other Periods Hats & Headwear > Early 18/1900's Hats & Helmets > 1882 Egypt War Coldstream Guards Helmet
Anglo Egyptian War 1882 Coldstream Guards Foreign Service Helmet

The Anglo-Egyptian War occurred in 1882 between Egyptian and Sudanese forces under Ahmed ‘Urabi and the United Kingdom. It ended a nationalist uprising against the khedive Tewfik Pasha and vastly expanded British influence over the country, at the expense of the French.
This is a reproduction 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards helmet reflecting one used in this campaign.
Original 1882 Campaign helmets are extremely rare and command very high prices when the do come on the market, which is a once in a lifetime.
This reproduction 1882 Foreign Service helmet has been made to look over 130 years old. The helmet has been treated with several coats of 'blanco' (whitening mixture) and then aged to look period worn.
The inside has leather and metal fittings and a honeycomb pattern to allow the helmet to 'breath' when worn. The chinstrap is brass and leather and is retained at the rear with a standard hook.
The inside has a manufacturers stamp and has been painted in white and also has natural green cloth. The ventilation device is also aged and is finished with a suitable rosette.
This helmet will continue to age naturally and will probably be the most accurate 1882 Campaign Coldstream Guards helmet that you will own.
Full worldwide insurance is included within the Postal charges, this protects you the buyer.
Feel free to email us if you want one made to your specification.
If you want to purchase this item please email us, there is no shopping cart. This prevents multiple buyers trying to purchase this unique and one stock item. First come first served, but we can make up others to your specification. Feel free to email us if you want one made to your specification.