Refurbishment > WW2 German Helmets > WW2 German Childs Helmet Decal Refurbishment
WW2 German Childs Helmet Decal Refurbishment:
This is a WW2 German Child's army (Heer), helmet. These were sold to children or their parents to help spread the National Socialist and German military ideology and of course make money for the Third Reich!
The Swastika has been removed, most likely immediately after the end of WW2. Luckily the rest of the eagle remains as does the National Colours decal. Normally we would not touch a de-nazified decal (leave history alone!), but given these helmets are only a few hundred pounds in value and it is such a blatant 'swastica removed' decal we accepted the challenge to restore it as best we could.
The main problem was that the decals are much smaller then the standard Heer decals. This means you cannot just cut out the missing parts from a standard Heer decal as they are way too large! Luckily the standard Luftwaffe decals swasticas are the perfect size! So we cut out and applied this and painted in the missing eagle legs! FYI the child's helmet decals are 29mm wide and 35mm tall the Heer decals are 33mm wide and 40mm tall.
We could not get a 100% colour match on the fix, so we made it look blemished, but we are very happy with the result and suitably blended in the contemporary repairs!
WW2 German Childrens Helmet Decal Refurbishment