Refurbishment > WW2 US Helmets > WW2 M2 501st PIR Airborne USA Paratrooper Helmet and Liner Refurbishment
WW2 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment Airborne M2 Helmet & Inland Liner Refurbishment:
This was a genuine M1 helmet swivel bale, front seam and lots of post war paint, converted by us to M2 501st PIR Helmet with Inland Liner. Our mission was to recreate a helmet worn considerably but still in good condition and of course to look seventy years old.
We have converted the bales, added our pre-sewn M2 chinstraps, added the 'A' Yokes and supplied the chincup and net. The helmet has been re-painted & aged up and has some deep rust dents and marks before finally being oiled up as a final coat to reflect a well preserved paratrooper helmet.
WW2 501st PIR Airborne History:
The 501stPIR, commanded by Colonel Howard Johnson (Jumpy Johnson), was attached to the 101st Airborne Division. They departed for England in December of 1943. They made their first jump into Normandy in the early morning hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944. In July 1944 the Regiment returned from Normandy and began to re-fit and train for the next operation. After several false starts the 501st PIR, along with the entire 101st Airborne, was alerted for Operation Market Garden Holland on September 17, 1944.
On 17 September 1944 Operation Market Garden, Montgomery's ambitious plan to bypass the retreating German Army, began with the largest Airborne operation in history.
This a tiny snippet of the 501st's Parachute Infantry Regiments history, you can find their full and very impressive history quite easily by internet search.
We have converted the bales, added our pre-sewn M2 chinstraps, added the 'A' Yokes and supplied the chincup and net. The helmet has been re-painted & aged up and has some deep rust dents and marks before finally being oiled up as a final coat to reflect a well preserved paratrooper helmet.
WW2 501st PIR Airborne History:
The 501stPIR, commanded by Colonel Howard Johnson (Jumpy Johnson), was attached to the 101st Airborne Division. They departed for England in December of 1943. They made their first jump into Normandy in the early morning hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944. In July 1944 the Regiment returned from Normandy and began to re-fit and train for the next operation. After several false starts the 501st PIR, along with the entire 101st Airborne, was alerted for Operation Market Garden Holland on September 17, 1944.
On 17 September 1944 Operation Market Garden, Montgomery's ambitious plan to bypass the retreating German Army, began with the largest Airborne operation in history.
This a tiny snippet of the 501st's Parachute Infantry Regiments history, you can find their full and very impressive history quite easily by internet search.