Instructions > German M38 Paratrooper Helmet Comparisons
German M38 Helmet Shell Comparisons:
This page gives some brief information when comparing replica M38 ET71 Paratrooper Helmet Shells against an original and other replicas. It should help you to decide which shell to purchase given the technical details and the purchase price. Feel free to email us if you have further information to provide or update. You can buy our ET71 M38 Helmet shell here. This table is a work in progress it will be updated regularly - if a cell is blank it just means we have not measured this metric yet!
Latest update 1/Aug/2018:
Manufacturer: |
Genuine ET71 | WarHats ET71 | Deepka ET71 | Chinese ET71 | Czech ET71 | FJ-Werke ET768 | Comments |
Shell Weight: | Approx 1.1 Kg | Approx 1.1 Kg | Approx 1.1 Kg | Approx 1.1 Kg | FJ-Werke Shell only available in 68 not 71. | ||
Shell Front 'Dip' | Correct | Correct | Incorrect | Incorrect | Correct | Incorrect | Only the WarHats & Czech models have the correct 'up down up' dip. The FJ-Werke model is over pronounced almost like a peaked cap |
Shell Thickness | 1.515MM | 1.55MM | 1.5MM | 1.5MM | Unknown | 1.45MM | |
Rim Thickness | 3.45MM | 3.31MM | 2.53MM | 2.52MM | Unknown | 2.55MM | |
Rim Depth | 5MM | 5.5MM | 6MM | 6MM | Unknown | 5.5MM | Chinese ET71 varies between 4 and 6MM |
Shell Height | |||||||
Shell Width | 22.2CM | 22.2CM | 22.1CM | 22.2CM | Unknown | N/A | |
Shell Length | |||||||
Shell Shape | |||||||
Rim Shape | Correct | Correct | No front dip | No front dip and inaccurate rim edge. | Correct | Incorrect |
Chinese ET71 has inaccurate pointed rim edge. FJ-Werke has over pronounced front 'dip' |
Shell Material | Heavy Mild Steel | Thin Mild Steel | Thin mild steel | Unknown | Heavy Mild Steel | ||
Shell Holes | |||||||
Batch Height | 5MM | 5MM | None | None | Unknown | 5MM | |
Inner Shell Roll fold line | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | |
Availability | Rare | Limited but available | Readily Available | Readily Available | Very Rare | Getting Rare (68) | Czech ET71 is Extremely Rare and made to deceive. |
Cost: | £800 Upwards | £299 | £60 | £50 | £800 Upwards | £500 Upwards (68) | Czech ET71 - Extremely Rare and made to deceive. FJ-Werke no longer made. |
You can buy our ET71 M38 Shell model here. Pictures of comparisons to follow: