Reproduction M1907 Enlisted Man Field Cap Brunswick 92nd Regiment.
Brunswick's contribution to the WW1 German Army were the Braunschweigisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.92 and the Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regiment Nr.17, both part of X. Army Corps. At the outbreak of World War One, the 92nd Brunswick Infantry Regiment was part of the 40th Infantry Brigade of the 20th Infantry Division, while the 6 squadrons of the 17th Death's Head Hussars were the X Corps' reconnaissance element, three squadrons to each of the corps' two divisions. The Death's Head (Totenkopf) skull and crossbones distinctive insignia of the Brunswick regiments dates to 1809, and was worn by the Brunswick contingent under Wellington at Waterloo. The Brunswick death's head differed from the Prussian version in that the crossbones were below rather than behind the skull, and the skull was more elongated. Comments are closed.
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